Diesdas Wiki How we think + roll

This is the place where we collect all things Diesdas; our company culture and philosophy, guides for new employees, and any interesting bits and pieces about the team and the company.

We decided to publish this handbook to give everyone a look behind the curtain, so you can see how we roll as an organisation. We hope that you find this useful.


Everyone is encouraged to try out new tools and we account for enough time at work for experimenting and learning. Here's some of the tools that make a regular appearance in our daily work:

Google Apps / G-Suite

Your email account and calendar is in the G-Suite. We use Google Meet for all client and video calls.


We use Slack for most internal communication. And we encourage you to disable as many notifications as possible.


Moco is the backbone of our finances. This is where we do time tracking and reporting, create invoices and proposals, request holidays, account for sick time and budget plan.

Jira & Confluence

Most projects require some type of digital task management system. For this, we use Jira. For documents, we like to use Confluence.


The keeper of all shared accounts and credentials. All passwords related to your work should be stored here.


Most design work takes place in Figma. We also use it for collaboration, asset sharing and digital whiteboard collaboration.


Where we store all of our code.


Our central file repository with all project-related assets and information.