Diesdas Wiki How we think + roll

This is the place where we collect all things Diesdas; our company culture and philosophy, guides for new employees, and any interesting bits and pieces about the team and the company.

We decided to publish this handbook to give everyone a look behind the curtain, so you can see how we roll as an organisation. We hope that you find this useful.

Interview process

We want you to meet as many of our great team members during the interview process as possible. This is so you can get a more comprehensive understanding of our company vibe. PS: we can do this remotely or on-location.


Here’s how we usually do it:

  1. Google Meet call with two of us about:
    - Your work experience
    - What you are looking for
    - Your questions
  2. Remote or on-location (in our Berlin office) interview
    - We'll welcome you and show you around. Two of our team members will talk to you about how you’d like to work and answer your questions.
  3. Time to reflect
    Work is a big part of life. Starting a new job is an important decision that shouldn’t be made in a day. After the interview, we’ll give you (and ourselves) some time to reflect.
  4. Final talks
    A couple of days after the interview, we’ll get in touch. It typically won’t take longer than a week for us to make a decision. If we make you an offer you’re happy with, we’ll follow up with calls about the nitty gritty contract details. Once we’ve both signed, we’ll be (excitedly) waiting for you to finally join us!

Not from Berlin?


If you don’t live in Berlin, we’ll usually fly you in and try to find you a room (expenses on us) close to our office.

Some cool things to do in Berlin during your stay:

~15min walking distance:

~30min walking distance:

The Landwehr Kanal in Berlin in autumn